
高校毕业生求职行为的影响机制研究 被引量:28

Mechanism of University Graduates' Job-Search Behavior
摘要 基于计划-行为理论,考察了836名高校毕业生求职行为的预测因素及其影响机制。层次回归和结构方程分析表明,控制了城乡和政治面貌的效应后,求职自我效能、求职期望、情绪控制、人格外倾和主观支持是影响求职行为的有效因素,其中求职自我效能、情绪控制、人格外倾和主观支持分别正向预测求职行为,而求职期望则负向预测求职行为;求职意向在求职期望和求职行为、情绪控制和求职行为、主观支持和求职行为之间的中介效果均显著,在求职自我效能和求职行为以及人格外倾和求职行为之间的中介效果不显著。 Job-search behavior has attracted more and more attention in psychology and management.While most studies have focused on the job-search behavior of unemployment groups,little has been known about it in university graduates.Since job-search behavior is one of the most important factors in predicting employment,revealing determining factors and the"black box"of job-search behavior will be of great significance in college students' career guidance.Existing studies have been focused on two sorts of factors influencing job-search behavior:individual factors and social factors.Here we regard self-efficacy,job-search expectation, emotional control and extraversion as individual factors,and social support as social factors according to literature and interviews. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior,this paper aims to explore the mechanism of job-search behavior of university graduates. Here"university graduates"refers particularly to fresh graduates who for the first time enter the labor market.A total of 836 students from nine universities in six cities(Shenyang,Yantai,Nanjing,Guangzhou,Xi'an and Lanzhou) were recnuited on the basis of stratified random sampling.The participants filled out seven validated questionnaires in the classroom,including Job-Search Behavior Scale(JSBS),Job-Search Self-Efficacy Scale(JSSES),Job-Search Expectation Scale(JSES),Emotional Control Scale (ECS),Social Support Scale(SSS),Extroversion Scale(ES) and Job-Search Intention Scale(JSIS).It took about 30 minutes to complete the above questionnaires.The correlations,hierarchical regression,Sobel's test and structure models among factors were calculated with SPSS 16.0 and AMOS 17.0. The important findings include:beyond family and political status,self-efficacy,job-search expectation,emotional control, extraversion and subjective support are the effective predictors for job-search behavior;there was a statistically significant positive relationship among self-efficacy,emotional control,extraversion,subjective support and job-search behavior,but there was a statistically significant negative relationship between job-search expectation and job-search behavior;job-search intention was a mediator for the relationship between job-search expectation and job-search behavior,emotional control and job-search behavior, subjective support and job-search behavior,but it was not a mediator between self-efficacy and job-search behavior,extraversion and job-search behavior. In line with the Theory of Planned Behavior,these findings demonstrated that different factors,including individual factors,such as self-efficacy,job-search expectation,emotional control and extraversion,as well as social factors such as subjective support have significant impact on job-search behavior.Moreover,job-search expectation,emotional control and subjective support all have an indirect effect on job-search behavior through job-search intention.These findings firstly and partly confirmed the Theory of Planned Behavior in university graduates in China,and suggest that in order to enhance the job-search behavior of university graduates,it is crucial to improve their self-efficacy,keep stable emotion,mold extroversive personality,have appropriate job-search expectation,and get more subjective support;furthermore,university students can also adjust their job-search intention through individual factors(job-search expectation and emotional control)and social factor(subjective support) to enhance their job-search frequency.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期181-184,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(70573108)资助
关键词 求职行为 求职意向 求职自我效能 求职期望 情绪控制 人格外倾 社会支持 job-search behavior job-search intention self-efficacy job-search expectation emotional control extraversion social support
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