针对沥青混合料再生利用中新旧沥青及集料之间的相容性问题,为了保证再生沥青混合料具有良好的路用性能,通过凝胶液相色谱分析试验(Gel-Permeation Chromatography Test,简称GPC),测定裹附在回收沥青混合料(Reclai med Asphalt Pavement,简称RAP)中旧集料和天然集料表面沥青的大分子粒径值(Large Molecular Size,简称LMS),根据沥青的LMS值预测其绝对粘度,从而间接评价再生沥青混合料的抗裂性能。GPC试验结果表明:裹附在两种集料表面上的沥青,其大分子粒径值水平存在显著差异;并提出一种新的沥青混合料拌和方法,经GPC试验验证,对于已老化旧沥青混合料的再生利用,新的拌和方法比传统拌和方法更为有效。
For the compatibility problem of recycled asphalt mixture among new and aged asphalt and aggregates , Gel - Permeation Chromatography Test was conducted to measure the Large Molecular Size in aged and natural aggregates coated reclaimed asphalt pavement, therefore, anti -cracking performance of recycled asphalt mixture would be indirectly produced according to LMS value to predicting the absolute viscosity. The results of GPC test shows that LMS coated reclaimed asphalt pavement greatly varies, finally a new technique of asphalt mixture is put forward, which has more effective way to the aging properties of recycled asphalt mixture by GPC test.
Journal of China & Foreign Highway