
球团压制机辊轴在循环弹塑性变形时的应变 被引量:2

The Strain Study on the Roller of Pellet Presses under the Cyclic Elastic-plastic Deformation
摘要 论述了循环变形下的球团压制机辊轴类重型荷载零件,不应采用一次变形下的设计计算方法,而应采用循环变形下的弹塑性分析的方法解决其应变强度问题;分析了弹塑性变形问题的理论和计算步骤;作出了Jsu、Jsf。值与广义最大应变τ*maxR值之间的关系表和不同的应变区间τn*内Jnn和Jnn值与τ*maxR值的关系表,以供工程技术人员实际计算时查找方便;另做出了常用轴料45#铜的广义弯矩M*u、Mv*、M*及广义偏角ψ值与τ*maxR值之间的关系曲线;并通过试验数据验证了这些曲线的正确性。 The strain strength under cyclic deformation of heavy loaded roller-parts used in pellet press is discussed. The calculation of strain strength should not use the first deformation, but the cyclic deformation of elastic-plastic analysis method should be used to solve this problem. This paper analyzed the theory of elastic-plastic deformation and calculation steps, so the table of the relationship among the values of jsu、Jse and τn* the value of generalized maximun strain is made τmax R and also the relationship table of Jnu,Jnv, and τ*max with in different strain ranges τn*. The table makes the caleulation easier for engineers and technicians. This paper also plots the relationship curves among the generalized moment Mu* ,Mv* ,M* , generalized angle ψ and τ*max R for steed 45# and 40Cr. The curves are proved by experiments.
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期49-52,共4页 Machine Design And Research
关键词 一次变形 辊轴 弹塑性变形 线形硬化 折线逼近 等应变曲线 first deformation elastic-deformation linear hardening polyline approximation constantstrain curve
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