
高空钠层、钾层同时探测的激光雷达 被引量:13

Na Layer and K Layer Simultaneous Observation by Lidar
摘要 通过一台Nd:YAG激光器抽运两台脉冲染料激光器,产生589 nm和770 nm两种可调谐波长激光,分别激发钠层和钾层原子的共振荧光,再通过双光纤焦面分光接收,实现了利用一台激光雷达同时探测高空钠层和钾层,从而为更经济、更有效地开展高空钠层和钾层比较性探测研究提供了一种新的手段。 A Nd:YAG laser emits two 532-nm laser beams to pump two pulsed dye lasers,respectively.Then one dye laser will emit a 589-nm laser beam for Na layer detection,while the 770-nm laser beam for K layer detection is obtained from the other dye laser.The scattering echoes of these two laser beams are collected with the same telescope,and transmitted by two fibers set in the telescope′s focal plane,respectively.Therefore,we have realized the simultaneous observation of Na layer and K layer by using only one lidar system and have gotten a new and economic detection tool for upper atmospheric Na layer and K layer observation.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期233-237,共5页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
基金 国家自然科学基金(10978003 40905012) 中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心空间大气学国家重点实验室开放课题 武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验基金资助课题
关键词 遥感 激光雷达 钠层 钾层 双波长 原子稳频 remote sensing lidar Na layer K layer dual-wavelength atomic frequency stabilization
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