面向IP业务的新一代电力专网骨干传送网网络架构,总体趋势将从IP over SDH向IP over WDM演进,波长路由分配(Routing and Wavelength Assignment,RWA)问题成为电力骨干光传送网络中的核心问题之一。以某典型省电力公司2015年骨干传送网网目标网络架构为例,通过RWA仿真计算,综合分析比较了不同规划方案的网络资源占用率和网络性能指标,最后结合业务需求给出可选规划方案建议。研究方法可用于指导形成电力骨干光传送网的波长与路由配置的阶段性部署策略。
For the power communication network,the main trend for its future backone optical transport network is the evolution from IP over SDH to IP over WDM.And so the Routing and Wavelength Assignment(RWA) will be one of key improtant problems.It has carried out the RWA simluation on a certain province electrical power communction backbone network,and both utilized wavelenth resource and network performance are compared for different network plan.Finally,a reasonable network plan schemes is recommanded.It is well shown that the appraoch should give a good reference to the choice of network optimization for power communication backbone optical network.
Optical Communication Technology