Yanliang, a district of Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi Province, is an aviation center. Workers and soldiers from across China constructed the city's first aviation factory during the 1950s. Sixty years later, Yanliang is the leader in China in airplane design, manufacturing, test flights, pilot training and aircraft research. The Aviation Industry Corporation of China Xi'an Aircraft Industry (Group) Company Ltd. (AVlC XAC) is the major enterprise in Xi'an.
在中国的西部.有一座航空城.它的名字叫阎良。上个世纪50年代.五湖四海的工人、战土在党的召唤下来到这里,在这片荒凉的土地上搭建起第—座厂房。60年后,这里已经成为集飞机设计、研究、制造、鉴定、试飞、教学于一体的著名中国航空城,而中航工业西安飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司(以下简称西飞)便是其中的核心。他们生产的部件被安装在波音.空客等世界著名的飞机上,他们生产的”中国飞豹、空中加油机、新舟系列等4个机型,27架军、民甩飞机,在国庆60周年庆典时划过天安门的上空。—代代西飞人扎根这片西部热土,实现着“航空报国 强军富民”的梦想。