
《中图法》类目大小的可视表示 被引量:1

Visual Representation of the Size of Chinese Library Classification Categories
摘要 探讨《中图法》分类体系XML存储的规则,基于《中图法》分类体系的XML存储,利用Java技术将其解析为DOM树,通过遍历DOM树获取类目的大小。解释树图及嵌套树图的含义,利用有序树图的构造算法将DOM树映射为树图,实现《中图法》类目大小的可视表示,这样可以很容易地获取《中图法》同级类目的大小。 This paper discusses the rules of XML storage of Chinese Library Classification system. Based on the XML storage of Chinese Library Classification system, the paper parses the XML file as DOM using java. It gets the size of categories by traversing the DOM. It illustrates the meaning of treemap and nested treemap, and maps DOM tree to treemap by using ordered treemap algorithm. The visual representation of the size of categories is achieved. Therefore, users can visually get the sizes of the same-layered categoties.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期75-78,共4页 Library and Information Service
关键词 中图法 树图 信息可视化 Chinese Library Classification treemap information visualization
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