
阻尼多楔带传动系统建模及带滑移控制分析 被引量:6

Model Construction of Serpentine Belt Drive Systems with Multi-Ribbed Belt Damping and Belt Slipping Control
摘要 考虑多楔带的阻尼特性和带在带轮上的蠕变对带张力的影响,建立了阻尼多楔带传动系统旋转运动模型,给出了带张力和各带轮的旋转角位移的数值计算方法,并引入了滑移因子预测滑移现象的发生。分析研究多楔带阻尼对系统运动特性的影响,及当多楔带传动系统结构参数确定时,张紧器预载荷、安装角对带滑移的影响。建立的阻尼多楔带传动系统旋转运动模型和数值求解方法为带传动系统的研究提供了理论依据,对带滑移控制的分析为带传动系统的设计提供了参考。 A rotational motion model for a serpentine belt drive system was developed in which the belt damping and the effect of the belt deflection along contact arc of the pulley on the tension were considered.The rotational motion model was solved numerically.The slip factors were used to predict the onset of belt slipping on the pulleys.The effects of the belt damping on the vibration characteristics and the belt slipping were studied.Control of belt slip on pulleys by adjusting the preload of the tension spring and the installed position of the tensioner arm was analyzed.The rotational motion model of the serpentine belt drive system and the numerical methods solving the model presented in this paper were useful to the design of the belt drive system.The results provided some instructions in controlling the belt slipping on the pulleys.
出处 《振动.测试与诊断》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期59-63,129,共5页 Journal of Vibration,Measurement & Diagnosis
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:50975091) 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(编号:KF10162)
关键词 多楔带传动 带滑移 建模 数值方法 serpentine belt drive system belt slipping modeling numerical methods
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