通过三维绘图软件对钻夹具各元件进行实体建模,利用3Ds Max和Virtools技术的交互性设计了各元件的动态装配,实现了钻夹具各元件虚拟装配的动态演示。构建该平台不仅可以节省开发时间和成本,还可以大大减少对资源的利用,使得虚拟现实技术更加实用,并可以形象逼真的方式应用于教学与培训当中。
It makes use of 3D graphics software to modeling for each element of the drilling jig,and designs the dynamic assembly of each element using the interactive technology of 3Ds Max and Virtools,achieving the virtual assembly dynamic demonstration of the drilling jig components.This platform can not only save development time and cost,still can greatly reduce the use of resources which makes virtual reality technology more practical,and can be applied to teaching and training in the way of image life like.
Industrial Instrumentation & Automation