
CARTO XP系统中CARTO电解剖图的数据提取

The Data Extraction of CARTO Electro-Anatomical Map from CARTO XP System
摘要 利用CARTO XP系统指导心房颤动消融手术是当今临床研究的热点,手术消融的最终效果取决于心脏CT图像与CARTO XP系统生成的电解剖图的配准精度。然而,由于CARTO XP系统图像文件为专属的dicm格式,现有的DICOM浏览器只能读取三维CARTO电解剖图在某一体位的二维截图,相关研究非常少,数据格式的不兼容严重阻碍了心脏CT与CARTO电解剖图的算法研究。本文在详细阐述CARTO电解剖图像格式的基础上,给出用MATLAB提取相应数据信息的具体方法,然后根据标测点位置信息重建出心腔内壁关键点的三维点图。本方法避免了使用仿真软件绘制CARTO电解剖图形带来的主观性差异,为后续的配准算法研究提供了很好的实际数据支持。 Atnai fibrillation ablation guided by CARTO XP system, which relies on the registration accuracy between the CARTO electro-anatomical map and the computed tomography (CT) image, is a clinical research hotspot nowadays. To register the two images, we first need to read the electro-anatomical map from the CARTO XP system. However, due to the unique dicta format of CARTO electro-anatomical map, existing DICOM viewers can only read a 2D screenshot of the 3D electro-anatomical map. In this study, we first discussed the format of CARTO electro-anatomical map, and then extracted the information of the mapping points using MATLAB. Finally we reconstructed the 3D spot chart for the heart inner chambers according to the positional information of mapping points. Our method can avoid the subjective difference caused by CARTO electro-anatomical map simulation, and provide the actual data support for the following study on registration algorithm.
出处 《北京生物医学工程》 2011年第1期5-9,共5页 Beijing Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(60905004)资助
关键词 CARTO电解剖图 标测点 数据提取 CARTO electro-anatomical map mapping points data extraction
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