
六自由度无人动力伞的动力学建模 被引量:2

Six DOF Dynamics Modeling of the Unmanned Powered Parachute
摘要 针对动力伞的动力学研究,建立了全量模型研究无人动力伞飞行中动态特性问题。在惯性系下从牛顿力学基本原理出发,用矢量方法推导无人动力伞的动力学方程;经过坐标转换,得到动力学方程在体轴系下的形式,并补充运动学方程,使方程组满足封闭性要求,从而建立完整的矢量动力学模型。通过两个仿真算例,分析了动力伞实施推力和航向舵下偏控制的飞行特性,验证了模型的合理性。 Along with the development of the unmanned powered parachute,a full-state model is required to research the dynamicresponse of the unmanned powered parachute.Then based on the principal the ories of Newton mechanics,a set of dynamic equations are derived to describe the motions of unmanned powered parachute in terms of vector.After translated to the body frame,a full-state vector dynamic model is built.The dynamic response of unmanned powered parachute is analyzed through two simulations.This model proves to be relational on the analysis of simulation results.
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2011年第2期16-18,22,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 无人动力伞 动力学模型 附加质量 unmanned powered parachute aircraft dynamic model apparent mass
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