三维目标表面积参数广泛应用于石油地质,医学,制造行业等领域。在介绍一种基于Marching cubes的局域配置方法来估算三维目标的表面积的过程中,针对Marching cubes分类的14种模型元,给出了一种简单和易于实现的分类方法,避免了重新实现Marching cubes算法或者使用一系列复杂的三维表面探测算法。基于Marching cubes的表面积估算方法对于规则和不规则目标表面积的估算均适用。通过实验数据对比几种不同的估算方法结果的精确度,说明基于Marching cubes的估算方法精确度是非常高的,可以应用于实际工程中。
Surface area estimation of 3D objects is widely used in oil geology,medicine,manufacturing industry.This paper introduces a method based on Marching cubes and using local configurations to estimate the 3D objects surface area.Aiming at recognizing the 14 2×2×2 patterns of the Marching cubes,the paper introduces a new,simple,easy to realize classification method to recognize the 14 patterns without realizing the traditional Marching cubes method or some complex surface tracking method.This method can be used in not only regular but also irregular objects.In the end,the paper gives some experimental data to comparison several different ways of the estimation.The high precision of experiment supports the way we announced that it can be used in the practical projects.
Computer & Digital Engineering