The yield behavior of metallic glasses was studied. Three yield criteria, including von Mises yield criterion, Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion and the unified yield criterion were used to describe the yield phenomena of the metallic glasses. Two classes of the experimental data were chosen to draw the yield loci using the unified yield criterion. It is shown that the unified yield criterion can be used to describe the yield behavior of the metallic glasses no matter whether the metallic glasses show strength- different effect or non-strength-different effect. Almost all the widely accepted yield criteria are the subsets of the unified yield criterion if the intermediate principle stress and/or the intermediate principle shear stress are not considered at all.
The yield behavior of metallic glasses was studied. Three yield criteria, including von Mises yield criterion, Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion and the unified yield criterion were used to describe the yield phenomena of the metallic glasses. Two classes of the experimental data were chosen to draw the yield loci using the unified yield criterion. It is shown that the unified yield criterion can be used to describe the yield behavior of the metallic glasses no matter whether the metallic glasses show strength- different effect or non-strength-different effect. Almost all the widely accepted yield criteria are the subsets of the unified yield criterion if the intermediate principle stress and/or the intermediate principle shear stress are not considered at all.
Projects(51011120053, 50823006, 50825102) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China