Hybrid projection method for generalized mixed equilibrium problems,variational inequality problems,and fixed point problems in Banach spaces
Hybrid projection method for generalized mixed equilibrium problems,variational inequality problems,and fixed point problems in Banach spaces
A new hybrid projection iterative scheme is introduced to approximate a common element of the solution set of a generalized mixed equilibrium problem, the solution set of a variational inequality problem, and the set of fixed points of a relatively weak nonexpansive mapping in the Banach spaces. The obtained results generalize and improve the recent results announced by many other authors.
A new hybrid projection iterative scheme is introduced to approximate a common element of the solution set of a generalized mixed equilibrium problem, the solution set of a variational inequality problem, and the set of fixed points of a relatively weak nonexpansive mapping in the Banach spaces. The obtained results generalize and improve the recent results announced by many other authors.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11071169)
supported by the Research Project of Shaoxing University(No.09LG1002)
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