
复合介质人工浮岛对含铜废水净化效果试验研究 被引量:5

Experiment on Purification Efficiencies of Copper-contaminated Water Using Multi-media Constructed Floating Islands
摘要 铜污染废水具有危害范围广、作用强等特点,随着我国工业化程度的提高,水体的铜污染有进一步扩大的趋势,因此研究铜污染水体的修复方法对于治理含铜废水具有重要意义。针对这一问题,提出了采用复合介质人工浮岛技术对铜污染水体的处理效果进行研究。试验采用沸石和火山灰两组复合介质人工浮岛,浮岛植物均为菖蒲。试验研究了4个控制参数,即不同的温度、停留时间、曝气强度以及污染负荷条件下人工浮岛对铜污染水体的处理效果。结果表明,复合介质人工浮岛系统对不同浓度的铜污染水体的去除率均可达到83%以上,且随着水力停留时间的增加,对铜的去除率可逐渐升高直至达到稳定状态。对控制参数的优化表明,最佳曝气强度和最佳温度条件分别为:溶解氧为1.8mg/L和24~26℃。该技术对铜污染水体的修复具有一定的参考意义。 Copper-polluted wastewater presents features of various hazards and strong harm.With the improvement of China's industrialization level,copper pollution of water bodies tends to be worse.Study of a restoration measure is of great significance in purifying copper-polluted water.The approach of multi-media constructed floating island was proposed to clean up copper-contaminated water,including zeolite and pozzolana as substrates respectively and flagleaf as plant of floating island.4 control parameters were examined including temperature,hydraulic residence time,aeration intensity and pollutant loading.Experimental results showed that removal efficiency of copper was above 83% and increased with hydraulic residence time.The removal of copper would be stabilized when removal efficiency peak was reached.Further experiments on optimization of the control parameters showed that the effective aeration intensity and suitable temperature condition were DO 1.8 mg/L and 24~26 ℃ respectively.It may be concluded that the measure would be effective for the restoration of copper-contaminated water.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期129-135,168,共8页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 中国科学院"百人计划"择优支持项目(2008-2010)
关键词 含铜废水 沸石 火山灰 人工浮岛 copper-contaminated water zeolite pozzolana constructed floating island
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