
绿色专利审查的法律问题研究 被引量:8

On the Issues of Green Patent Review
摘要 为应对气候变化问题带来的挑战,绿色专利制度的概念被提出并不断完善。什么样的专利可以被定义为绿色专利,绿色专利需要建立什么样的审查标准、审查程序以及什么样的审查机构是合适的?这一系列问题都必须在考察传统专利制度的目标和原理、各国行政资源分配状况的基础上,并结合保护和改善环境、促进国际社会福利的价值理念,才能得出适当的结论。 In response to the challenges of climate change,the concept of green patent was proposed and constantly rewritten.What kind of patents can be defined as green patent,what kind of review standard needs to be established,and what kinds of review procedures and the review agent are appropriate? This series of questions must be answered by reviewing the objectives and principles of traditional patent system,the allocation of national administrations resource,and considering the values of protecting and improving the environment,promoting the welfare of the international society.
作者 肖夏
出处 《华南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第1期40-45,共6页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 2008年度国家社会科学基金项目<"和谐世界"理念下国际知识产权制度重构的若干法律问题研究>阶段性研究成果 项目编号:08BFX083
关键词 绿色技术 环保标准 审查程序 绿色通道 green technology environmental standards review process green channel
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