
远程教育混合课程探析 被引量:10

Exploring of Blending Courses of Distance Education
摘要 近年来混合课程在远程教育中备受关注。它对于促进远程学习者自主学习和提高教学质量具有重要作用。远程教育混合课程开发的关键在于如何有效整合面对面教学与在线学习。本文阐释了混合课程的内涵、优势及面临挑战,研究了远程教育混合课程开发的过程、原则及对策,以期对我国远程教育混合课程建设有所启迪。 The blending courses are concerned in distance education in recent years. It is important to improve students learning and education quality. The key of blending course development is how to effectively integrate face - to - face instruction with on - line learning. To seek a useful insight into blending course in our country, this article explains the meaning, advantages, and challenges of the blending course, and discusses the development of process, principles and measures in distance education blending courses, to hone there is an insoiration of our distance education blending, courses construction.
出处 《现代远距离教育》 CSSCI 2011年第1期57-60,共4页 Modern Distance Education
基金 国家社会科学基金"十一五"规划2010年教育学青年课题(编号:CHA100142)新时期中小学社会实践研究 安徽省教育规划项目(编号:GJ05036) 安徽省高等学校青年教师科研资助计划项目(编号:2004JQW71)阶段性成果
关键词 远程教育 混合课程 自主学习 Distance education Blending courses Self- directed learning
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