
中国历史的地理枢纽——中国地缘政治格局成因和影响的历史分析 被引量:9

The Geographical Pivot of Chinese History——A Historial Analysis of China's Geopolitical Pattern and its Cause of Formation
摘要 借助西方的地缘政治学思想,结合中国的历史演化过程,提出较大时空尺度范围内的国内地缘政治学概念.发展这类理论和分析方法,对国家安全格局的构建具有现实意义.中原地区是中国历史的地理枢纽和心脏地带所在,是中国力量的自然场所.以河南洛阳、安阳和山西霍州为三角形作外接圆,可以勾画出古人认知的中国政治地理的枢纽地区;以北京-西安-南京为三角形作内切圆,可以勾画出本文定义的中国政治地理的心脏地区.历史的经验表明:谁能控制枢纽地区,谁就能控制心脏地带;谁能控制心脏地带,谁就能控制大中原;谁能控制大中原,谁就能控制全中国.中国古代的历史发展过程逐渐在文化上抽象为一种观念地图,这种观念地图通过民族心理暗示作用,对中国历史的发展具有深刻的影响. Abstract:The term "geopolitics" is commonly understood as a particular mode of visualizing space, states, and the relationships between them. Geopolitical models always take the form of mapping by emphasizing the strategic importance of particular places. The principles of geopolitics, especially the heartland theory from Halford Mackinder, can be employed to analyze Chinese history, in which the territory suffered many times of splits and unification. Both the geographical pivot and heartland are in the Central Plains comprising the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River. The pivot has been defined by the ancient students of China such as Sima Qian. If we link Luoyang and Anyang in Henan Province and Huozhou in Shanxi Province with line segment to form a triangle on a map, the circumcircle of the small triangle gives the pivotal location of Chinese history. Further, if we link Beijing, Xihn and Nanjing, the well- known ancient capitals in the history of China, to form a geographical Einthoveng Triangle on a map, the inscribed circle of the great triangle gives the bounds of the heartland. When the ancient Chinese statesmen were in conversation with the defeated enemy, some lovely airy cherub should have whispered to them from time to time this saying: "Who rules Pivot controls the heartland ; Who rules the heartland commands the Great Central Plains ; Who rules the Great Central Plains commands the whole country of China. " Geographical factor is not the first most important determinant of national security, but it is very important, especially under specified spatio-temporal conditions. Therefore, it is significant to reveal the natural seats of power in a country in order to explain the past, understand the present, and predict the future.
作者 陈彦光
出处 《信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第1期85-95,共11页 Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技部科技基础工作专项重点资助项目(2007FY140800) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40771061)
关键词 国家安全 地理枢纽 心脏地带 观念地图 地缘政治学 中国 national security geographical pivot heartland ideaistic map geopolitics China
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