
大豆GmeR基因启动子的克隆及序列分析 被引量:1

Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the GmeR Gene Promoter from Soybean(Glycine max L.)
摘要 GmeR是一种植物酶学抗病基因,编码的蛋白质具有丝氨酸乙醛酸转氨酶(SGT)活性,受水杨酸诱导,与大豆霜霉病抗性密切相关。为了进一步研究GmeR基因的抗病机理,我们利用染色体步移技术克隆得到长为1 036 bp的GmeR基因5′上游片段,序列分析显示此片段含有典型的TATA-box、CAAT-box、G-box和as-1顺式调控元件。 GmeR was an enzymatic disease resistance gene,the protein coded had the activity of serine glyoxylate aminotransferase(SGT),which was induced by salicylic acid(SA)and was closely related to soybean downey mildew resistance.In order to investigate the resistant mechanism of GmeR gene,the 1 036 bp 5′up stream region of the GmeR gene was cloned by the genome walking.Sequence analysis reveals that it contains classical TATA-box,CAAT-box,G-box,which are conserved in eukaryotic gene promoters,and other cis-regulatory elements such as as-1 regulatory element.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2011年第2期407-410,共4页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项(2008ZX08009-003)
关键词 GmeR基因 启动子克隆 染色体步移技术 as-1调控元件 GmeR gene promoter cloning genome walking as-1 regulatory element
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