
基于知识产权外部商用化的知识收入研究 被引量:2

Study on Knowledge Income Based on External Commercialization of Intellectual Property
摘要 针对封闭式创新模式中企业知识产权闲置和知识溢出的现象,在总结开放式创新的理念和分类的基础上,提出了知识产权外部商用化的概念,并对知识产权使用率和所有权占有率进行分类讨论,概括了知识产权外部商用化的途径。得出结论:通过知识产权外部商用化获得的知识收入有别于传统的通过产品销售、劳务提供和有形资产获得的收入,前者是企业特殊的无形资产收入;提高知识收入对于企业发展具有经济价值和战略意义。 For the phenomenon of intellectual property(IP) idleness and knowledge spillover which exist in closed innovation widely,this paper proposes the concept of external commercialization of intellectual property(IP-EC) on the basis of a theoretic review on the concept and classifi- cation of open innovation. Then it summarizes the ways of IP-EC through discussing the ownership ratio and utilization ratio of IP. The conclu- sion are as follows:knowledge income(KI) obtained by enterprises through IP-EC,which differs from the income obtained from product sales, services and tangible assets,is a special and significant kind of intangibility asset income;improving KI has both economic value and strategic sig- nificance for enterprises.
出处 《技术经济》 2011年第2期1-7,共7页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 开放式创新 知识产权 知识收入 知识管理 创新管理 open innovation intellectual property knowledge income knowledge management innovation management
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