G 蛋白偶联受体( Gproteincoupled receptor , G P C Rs)是一大家族,介导许多激素的信号转导。在激动剂的持续作用下, G P C Rs 可发生对激动剂的敏感性下降,即受体减敏,现认为这一过程主要由 G 蛋白偶联受体激酶( Gproteincoupled receptor kinases , G R Ks) 和arrestins 两大蛋白家族介导: G R Ks 先结合并磷酸化被激动剂占领的受体,然后arrestins与磷酸化的受体结合,阻止受体与 G 蛋白发生作用,导致受体功能减退。近来发现, G R Ks 和arrestins 还参与受体的内陷机制。
G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediate many signal transduction pathways. Most GPCRs are often desensitized during agonist exposure. The process appears to be mainly mediated by G protein coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) and arrestins: GRKs bind to agonist occupied receptors and phosphorylate them, which leads to the binding of arrestin and prevents the interaction of receptor and G protein. Recent studies have revealed that GRKs and arrestins also play important roles in endocytosis of GPCRs related to receptor resensitization.
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin