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2President's Commission on Foreizn Languages and International Studies. Strength through wisdom: A Critique of U.S. capacity. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 1979.
3Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century [M]. Allen Press Inc., Kansas, USA.1999: 5-10.
4J. Bowen, A History of Western Education, Vol. 3, 447-449.
5H. D. Brown. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1994: 20-26.
2Center for Applied Linguistics. Foreign Language Instruction in the United States: A National Survey of Elementary and Secondary Schools[Z]. www. cal. org,1999.
3Renate A. Schulz. Foreign Language Education in the United States: Trends and Challenges [J]. Issue, 2001(1).
4Vickie Lewelling and Jeanne Rennie. National Standards: Preparing for the Future[M]. Issue, 2001 (1).