
强安全两方认证密钥协商方案 被引量:2

Strongly secure two party authenticated key agreement scheme
摘要 提出一个新的强安全认证密钥协商方案。新方案满足抗密钥泄露伪装、已知会话临时信息安全和抗哈希值泄露攻击等特性,只要每方至少有一个未泄露的秘密,那么新方案在eCK模型下就是安全的,而且新方案是已知同类方案中运算量最少的。 This paper proposed a new strongly secure AKA scheme.The new scheme satisfied many known desirable security properties for AKA including resistance to key-compromise impersonation(KCI)attacks,resilience to the leakage of known session-specific temporary information and the leakage of hash values.The new scheme was secure in the eCK model as long as each party had at least one uncompromised secret,what's more,the new scheme enhanced the computational efficiency.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期1133-1135,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2009AA01Z415)
关键词 扩展CK安全模型 强安全 认证密钥协商 两方 eCK secure model strongly secure AKA two party
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