
金融市场准入与农信社信贷支农关联:苏北样本 被引量:14

The Relation between the Access to Rural Financial Market and the Credit Support of Rural Credit Cooperatives for Agriculture:Samples of Northern Jiangsu Province
摘要 基于信息比较优势理论建立的农村信用社贷款配置选择模型及对苏北23个县域经验数据的实证研究表明:降低农村金融市场准入限制以后,企业贷款市场和农户贷款市场形成了不同的竞争格局,由此改变了农村信用社在两个市场上的信贷资金配置策略,使其支农"意愿"增加,对农户的贷款强度和广度均显著提升;同时,竞争使得农村信用社信息成本降低,农户贷款价格下降。但是农村信用社在农户贷款市场的垄断地位使其仍然拥有较强的客户选择权和定价权。因此,构建竞争性、多层次的农村金融体系,不仅需要引入商业性金融机构,还需要着力培育和发展新型农村金融机构,并充分发挥政策性金融的作用。 The Rural Credit Cooperatives(RCCs) credit distributing choice model based on comparative information advantage theory and the empirical analysis on 23 counties data from Northern Jiangsu Province show that the different competitive situation between enterprise and farmer loan markets has greatly changed the RCCs' loan distributing strategy since the restricted access to rural financial market was reduced,which has increased the willing to support for agriculture,significantly enhanced the strength and breadth of credit of rural households,reducing the information costs of RCCs and credit price of rural households.However,the RCCs still have the great market power in the monopoly farmer loan market.Therefore,it does not only need to introduce commercial banks,but also need to cultivate new rural financial institutions and make full use of the fiscal finance to establish the competitive rural financial market.
作者 黄惠春
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期49-54,共6页 Reform
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年项目(批准号:10YJC790092)
关键词 农村金融市场 农村信用社 江苏 rural financial market RCC Jiangsu province
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