4Michael Mastanduno,David A.Lake,G.John lkenberry,"Toward a Realist,Theory of StaleAction",International Stadies Quarterly,V01.33,No.4,(Dec.i1989),pp.457-474.
1"The Great Powers",in Lepold von Ranke,The Theory and Practice of History ,edited by Geory Iggers and Konrad von Moltke (Indianapolis,1973),pp.65-101.
2Friederich Meinecke,Machiavellism:The Doctrine of Raison d'Etat and Its Place in Modern History(London,1957),Chapter 15.
3Donald Kagan,Perides of Athens and the Birth of Democrocy(New York ,1991),pp.136-137.
4George H.Sabine,A History of Political Theory,4^th edition (Chicago,1973),pp.487-498.
5John Locke,"The Second Treaties of Civil Govermment",in Michael Curtis,ed.,The Great Politional Theories (New York,1962),V.1,pp.172-174.
6Russell,Theories of International Relations,pp.136-146.
7Martin C.Ortega,"Vitoria and the Universalist Conception of International Relations",in Ian Clark and Iver B.Neumann,eds.,Classical Theories of International Relations,(Basingstoke,Hampshir,and London,1996),chapter 5.
8Alan Bullock and Maurice Shock,eds.,The Liberal Tradition:From Fox to Keyens(London,1956).
9Torbjom Kuntsen,A History of International Relations Theory (Manchester and London ,1992),pp.134-136.
10F.H.Hinsley,Power and Pursuit of Peace(Cambridge,1967),pp.81-87.