蒙皂石类粘土吸附能力与其活性表面及溶液pH 值有关,具有不同层孔高度的蒙皂石类粘土对不同半径的离子有明显的选择吸附作用。本文所讨论的改性粘土吸附剂,对磷、酚的去除率达50 % 以上( 最高73 .88 % ) ,因此具有不同自由孔径的分子筛型粘土吸附剂,可用于处理不同类型的工业废水。
The adsorptional ability of smectite clays is related to their active surface and the value of pH in solution.Furthermore,the smectite clays with varying aperture are found to be evident choice adsorption for ions of dis-similar radius.The removing rates of modified clay minerals for phosphaate and phenol in waste water are more than 50% (maximum 73.98%).Thus,the molecular sieve type of clay minerals with varying free aperture could be used for treating industrial waste water of all kinds.
Industrial Minerals & Processing