Objective: To investigate the hemodynamic effects ofdoxapram and dopamine on the dogs suffering from hemorrhagic shock after isometric blood transfusion.Method: Experimental dogs were divided into doxapram group, dopamine group and control group(5 dogseach). All animal were bleded 30ml/kg from femoral artery; then isometric blood was transfused after 30 minutes. doxapram 2mg/kg or dopamine 8ug/kg/min were given IV to dogs respetively in doxapram and dopamine group immediately after isometric blood transfusion. Hemodynamic indexes were observed before and at 5th and 30th min after shock and at 105th after isometric blood transrusion. Results: MAP,CO, CI, SV, LVSW, LVSWI decreased greatly and SVR increasedmarkedly at 5th and 30th min after shock in all 3 groups. All parameters of doxapram group and dopamine group returned to the basic levels at 15th min after isometric blood transfusion and no statistically signifi cant difference was found between two groups, while in control group were still lower than the basic levels, but SVR increased greatly. Conclusions: Both doxapram and dopamine can improe hemodynamic status of nemorrhagic shock after isometric blood transfusion, the mechanism by which doxapram improves the hedynamic status of hemorrhagic shock after isometric blood transfusion may be that doxapram stimulates body release of dopamine.
Guizhou Medical Journal