
航空减排路径之探讨——兼评欧盟航空减排交易指令 被引量:12

Solution to Reduce the Aircraft Emissions:Comments on EU Emissions Trading Scheme
摘要 人类活动已大幅增加大气中温室气体的浓度,引起地球表面和大气进一步增温,并可能对自然生态系统和人类产生不利影响已经成为国际社会的共识。联合国经过协商谈判先后达成《气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》,建立了排放交易机制以减少或降低温室气体的排放。欧盟于2008年正式通过其航空排放指令,将包括国际航空在内的所有航空排放纳入排放交易体系中。欧盟以外的国家认为,欧盟单方面处理具有全球性特点的航空排放问题缺乏法律根基。因此,国际航空排放问题只能由国际民航组织处理才具合法性。其所提出的一揽子可供成员国选用的减排措施方案,在现实条件下,是符合实际的,可行的方案。不过从长远来看,在"共同但有区别的责任"原则之下,达成国际统一的国际航空减排交易机制,规制国际航空减排是最佳选择。 The international community shares the common view that the human activities has caused the concentration of the green house gases increased to a large extent,which further increases the temprature of earth surface and atmosphere and very likely causes negative effects to the natural ecosystems and mankind itself. For the purpose of reducing the emissions of green house gases,the international emissions trading scheme was established based on the 'Framework Convention on Climate Change' and the 'Kyoto Protocol' under the auspices of United Nations. EU adopted the Directive in 2008 to incorporate the aircraft emissions,including the international air flight into the Emissions Trading Scheme. However,other countries hold the view that the unilateral legislative action of EU dealing with the aircraft emissions with universal feature lacks of legal basis. Therefore,only the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is the justifiable organization to handle the international aircraft emissions. The package of reduction of emissions proposed by ICAO,which is open for the member countries to choose,is the most realistic and feasible solution to deal with the aircraft emissions according to the current situation. However,in the long term,the best choice is to conclude an internationally uniformed international aircraft emissions trading scheme for regulating the reduction of international aircraft emissions subject to the principle of 'common but differential responsibility'.
作者 宣增益
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 2011年第1期36-42,158-159,共7页 Journal Of CUPL
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