
提高市场竞争力 迎接WTO的挑战

Challenges from China's Accession into the WTOEnhancing Market Competitiveness to Meet the
摘要 随着中国加入WTO时日的临近,国家将不再是石油石化企业的保护伞。加入WTO以后,在原油销售方面,现行管理体制下对原油的统销统配可能会逐步改变为由炼厂按照市场经济原则自行购置原油。在天然气工业领域,政府有可能逐步把对资源配置和定价等方面的直接干预转变为宏观调控,从而形成以市场需求为导向的天然气生产和销售态势。成品油终端销售将成为我国石油公司与国外石油公司竞争的焦点,而油品成本高低将是决定胜负的关键。中国“入世”只是时间问题,尽管形势严峻,但加入WTO对我国石油石化企业也有不少机遇。只要石油石化企业能够适应复杂多变的市场形势,尽快提高自身的竞争能力,就能够在最大程度上争取到生存和发展的空间。 With the advent of China's entry into the WTO, the government may no longer protect the country's petroleum and petrochemical enterprises. After China's accession into the WTO, the current management system of planned marketing and allocation will gradually be replaced with the free purchase of crude oil by refineries according to the principles of a market economy. In the natural gas industry, the government may gradually switch from direct intervention (such as in resource allocation and pricing) to a macro-control process, thus forming a market-oriented natural gas production and marketing system. Terminal marketing of petroleum products will become a focal point of competition between Chinese and foreign oil companies and the cost for petroleum products will be a key factor in deciding their success or failure. China's accession into the WTO is only a matter of time. Although many challenges lay ahead after the entry, China's petroleum and petrochemical enterprises will also have a lot of opportunities. China's petroleum and petrochemical enterprises will have to become more competitive in order to adapt to complex and changing market situations, so that they can survive and flourish.
作者 欧阳钰
出处 《国际石油经济》 1999年第6期4-5,3,共3页 International Petroleum Economics
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