
北美东亚图书馆的发展 被引量:8

The Development of East Asian Libraries in North America
摘要 吴文津博士,曾在斯坦福大学胡佛研究所工作,后任该校东亚图书馆馆长。1966年接替裘开明先生担任哈佛燕京东亚图书馆馆长。韦棣华基金会董事。国际知名的图书馆学家、汉学家。成就卓著,曾获美国亚洲研究协会杰出贡献奖等奖项。应武汉大学信息管理学院陈传夫院长约请,吴先生特撰The Development of East Asian Libraries in North America(北美东亚图书馆的发展)专文。该文是目前国内最为系统研究北美东亚图书馆发展的文章,勾勒出了北美东亚图书馆60年发展的历程。让我们与他一起体会北美各界对东亚图书馆事业所做的恒久贡献,缅怀东亚图书馆先驱所付出的艰辛与努力,共同展望未来。吴先生肯定:借助新技术的采用,东亚图书馆将会更好地为东亚研究而服务!感谢吴文津先生对本刊的贡献!
出处 《图书情报知识》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期4-12,共9页 Documentation,Information & Knowledge
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  • 1Elizabeth Huff, "The National Committee on Oriental Collections, 1948-1952," :Library Resources on East Asia: Reports and Working Papers for the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Committee on American Library Resources on the Far East, Association for Asian Studies, Inc., at the Palmer House, Chicago, March 21, 1967 (Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company AG, 1968) pp. 16-17.
  • 2Also, Edwin G. Beal, "The Committee on East Asian Libraries: A Brief History," Committee on East Asian Libraries Newsletter, no 41 (Sept. 1973), Appendix 1, pp. 42-43.
  • 3According to 1957 statistics, the earliest available data on East Asian libraries, 20 libraries reported a total holding of 2,490. 000 volumes. Those numbers increased to 50 libraries with a total holding of 17,900. 000 volumes, not including serial titles or materials in electronic format. For detailed annual statistics from 1957 see http: //lib. ku. edu/ceal/stat/.
  • 4Elizabeth Huff, "The National Committee on Oriental Collections, 1948-1952," :Library Resources on East Asia: Reports and Working Papers for the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Committee on American Library Resources on the Far East, Association for Asian Studies, Inc., at the Palmer House, Chicago, March 21, 1967 (Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company AG, 1968) p42.
  • 5G. Raymond Nunn, "Development of Cooperative Cataloging and Resources for East Asian Collections, 1954-1963," Library Resources on East Asia : Reports and Working Papers for the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Oommittee on AmericQn Library Resources on the Far East p. 18.
  • 6Also, Edwin G. Beal, "The Committee on East Asian Libraries: A Brief History," Committee on East Asian Libraries Newsletter, no 41 (Sept. 1973), Appendix 1, p19.
  • 7Edwin G. Beal, Jr. "Discussion of Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien's paper. "East Asian Collections in America, in Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien and Howard Winger, ed., Area Studies and the Library, The Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Graduate Library School, May 20-22, 1965 ( Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1965), pp. 75-76.
  • 8Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien, "Report of CALRFE Programs and Activities for 1966-1967," Library Resources on East Asia : Reports and Working Papers for the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Committee on American Library Resources on the Far East p. 28.
  • 9Edwin G. Beal, Jr., "The Committee on East Asian Libraries: A Brief History," Committee on East Asian Libraries Newsletter, no. 41 ( Sept. 1973 ), p. 48.
  • 10Committee on East Asian Libraries Newsletter, no 40 ( June 1973 ), pp. 35- 37, reprinted in no. 49 (Mar. 1976), pp. 53-54.










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