

Multi-hop maximal ratio combining(MHMRC) diversity based on virtual cellular network
摘要 为了解决下一代通信系统中的传输功率峰值问题,提出了一种基于虚拟蜂窝网(VCN)的多跳最大比值合并分集(MHMRC)技术。该方法能够降低路径总的传输功率,提高功率分配效率,并且可以随着网络中无线端口的随机增减进行自适应变化。首先给出多跳中继结构使得网络中的总功率得以降低,然后理论计算多跳网络下采用最大比值合并技术的传输功率,最后进行了计算机仿真,并给出了各种参数对网络性能的影响。结果表明,该方法能够有效地降低路径中的跳数、降低系统的传输功率,进而提高网络的系统容量。 To solve the problems of peak transmit power in mobile communication systems,a Multi-hop Maximal Ratio Combining(MHMRC) is introduced to the Virtual Cellular Network(VCN).This method can reduce the route total transmit power and improve the transmit power efficiency degradation.Meanwhile,it can adapt to the random change of number of wireless ports of the network.The algorithm of the MHMRC diversity model mainly consists of two parts.The first part is employing multi-hop routing algorithm to minimize the total transmit power,and the second part is using ratio combining algorithm to remove the immediately previous port from the route.The effect of power reduction of the MHMRC diversity is evaluated by computer simulation.The results indicate that the model can reduce the number of hops in the route and the transmit power,and consequently increase the multi-hop link capacity in the network.
出处 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期532-536,共5页 Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60977014)
关键词 通信技术 虚拟蜂窝网络 多跳 最大比值合并 传输功率 communication; virtual cellular network(VCN); multi-hop; maximal ratio combining; transmit power;
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