The experiment was conducted to study the effects of three different types of feed regime,i.e.feeding ducks in the pen,feeding ducks on the plastic mesh and pasturing ducks,on egg contents and egg yolk color in egg-laying duck.Results indicated that: The dry matter content of egg white was affected significantly by feed regime(P0.05),the egg whites from the eggs of pasture ducks had more water and less dry matter than that from the other two types of feed regime,that of the other two types of feed regime had no significant difference.The dry matter content of egg yolk was not affected significantly by feed regime(P0.05),but that of pasture duck is low,that of the ducks fed in the pen is higher than that of pasture duck,that of ducks fed on the plastic mesh is the highest.The absolute content of amino acid of egg white was affected significantly by feed regime(P0.05),but the ratio of single amino acid to the total content of amino acid was only affected a little.The grade of egg yolk color,fat content of dry matter of yolk and the flavor of the egg were affected significantly by feed regime(P0.05),and that of pasture ducks were better than that of the ducks fed by the other two types of feed regime.Synthetically appraising the eggs from ducks fed by three different types of feed regime indicated that the total nutrition content of eggs had little difference among the ducks fed in the three different types of feed regime,but the flavor of the egg from pasture ducks was better than that of the ducks fed by the other two types of feed regime.
Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
feed regime
egg contents of duck
egg yolk color