
全球肿瘤预防控制概况 被引量:36

Survey of Cancer Prevention and Control in the World
摘要 癌症是全球人口的第一位死因。2007年,全球有790万人死于癌症,约占全死因的13%。其中,72%发生在中低收入国家。预计到2015年,将有900万人死于癌症;到2030年,将有1200万人死于癌症。其中,肺癌、胃癌、肝癌、大肠癌和乳腺癌是引起死亡的主要癌症。男性和女性的癌症谱不同。吸烟是癌症最重要的危险因素。事实证明,将近40%的癌症是可以通过减少烟草使用、提高饮食质量、增加体力活动、降低酒精摄入、消除工作场所致癌物、接种乙肝疫苗和人乳头瘤病毒疫苗而预防的。另外,还有相当一部分癌症是可以通过早期发现和早诊早治而得到治愈的。而且,所有的癌症患者都是需要关爱的。 Cancer is the leading death cause worldwide.In 2007,cancer killed 7.9 million people,seventy-two percent of whom were in lowand middleincome countries.By 2015,that number is expected to rise to 9 million and increase further to 12 million in 2030.Lung,stomach,liver,colon and breast cancer cause the most cancer death each year.The most frequent types of cancer differ between men and women.Tobacco consumption is the single most important risk factor for cancer.The evidence showed that up to 40% of all cancer deaths can be avoided by reducing tobacco consumption,improving diets and increasing physical activity,lowering alcohol consumption,eliminating workplace carcinogens and immunizing against hepatitis B virus and human papillomavirus.A large proportion of cancer can be cured through early detection,early diagnosis and treatment.All cancer patients deserve care.
出处 《中国肿瘤》 CAS 2011年第1期21-25,共5页 China Cancer
关键词 肿瘤 预防控制 危险因素 策略 早诊早治 neoplasms prevention and control risk factor strategy early diagnosis and treatment
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