以壳聚糖硫酸盐为催化剂, 以N, N- 二甲苯胺和甲醛为原料在相转移催化剂(TBAC) 存在下缩合成4 , 4′- 四甲二氨基二苯甲烷。实验表明, 在反应时间为35 h, 催化剂用量05 g, TBAC用量15 g 的条件下, 产品收率达98 % ,
tetramethyldiaminodiphenylmethane was synthesized by N, N-dimethlamiline with formaldehyde using chitosan sulfate as catalyst in the present of phase-tranfer catalyst(TBAC). According to the experiment results, when the reaction time was 3 5 hours, the amount of catalyst was 0 5 gram and TBAC was 1 5 gram, the yield rate of the product was 98% and the catalyst could be used many times.
Journal of Guilin University of Technology