目的了解2005-2009年随州市中学生艾滋病防制知识、态度和需求,为防治艾滋病的干预措施和干预效果评价提供相关信息和依据。方法用整群抽样的方法对随州市高中二年级学生进行自填表式问卷调查,所有资料经Epidata 3.0软件进行录入,用SPSS 16.0软件进行数据统计分析。结果随着年度的变化,随州市中学生艾滋病的相关知识的知晓率和对H IV感染者、患者持有积极的态度逐年提高,获取艾滋病防治知识的途径由以广告栏和报刊为主转变成以宣传资料和网络为主。结论随州市中学生艾滋病防制知识知晓率随着宣传教育工作的深入开展而逐年提高。
Objective To understand the AIDS knowledge,attitude and demand among students of Suizhou from 2005 to 2009,so as to provide information for the intervention and prevention of AIDS.Methods Cluster sampling method for high school students in grade 2,and self-filling questionnaires survey were applied.Results The students' knowledge on AIDS prevention awareness changed with time.The positive attitude toward HIV infection and patient gradually increased.The main way of getting AIDS prevention knowledge transferred from billboards and newspapers to publicity materials and network.Conclusions The popularization of the knowledge of AIDS prevention was effective among high schools in Suizhou.It is of great importance to further enhance the awareness of AIDS prevention among high school students.
Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine