根据工程机械行业 "十二五" 发展规划, 到2015年, 我国工程机械行业的销售收入将达到9000亿元, 预计年均增长速度在17%左右。作为 "十二五" 规划的元年, 2011年至关重要。大幕已经展开, 机遇和挑战时刻存在。回顾往昔, 我们如何点评2010年的成绩?展望未来, 我们又将怎样面对2011年这场规划下市场的未知? 又该采取怎样的策略去抓住和迎接随时到来的机遇和挑战?思考, 从未停息。而深度高端的思考尤为重要。因此, 本刊编辑部专门开设了这样一个平台, 特别邀请了行业内颇具影响力的资深人士,就上述问题展开深入的探讨, 希望与你我共享。
According to the engineering machinery industry of the 12th five-year-plan scheme, China construction machinery industry sales will reach 900 billion yuan. As the first year of it, 2011 is crucial. Review past, how do we comment on the results of 2010? Looking to the future, how will we face 2011 under unknown market? And how will we grab and meet at the arrival of challenges and opportunities? Thinking never stop,and deep, high-end thinking is more important. Therefore, Construction Machinery has opened such a platform specially, invited some personages of the industry to discuss above questions deeply, hoping to share with the readers.
Construction Machinery