
利用两种z变换算法的PS-DInSAR相位解缠与等价性证明 被引量:2

Phase Unwrapping of PS-DInSAR Based on Two Kinds of z Transformation and Equality Demonstrating
摘要 在介绍PS-DInSAR相位解缠函数模型的基础上,给出了应用LAMBDA方法求解模糊度和形变参数的过程,并将两种改进的z变换降相关算法——逆整乔列斯基和LLL应用于PS-DInSAR相位解缠。以z变换过程的迭代次数、z变换后的模糊度向量间的平均相关系数和协因数阵的谱条件数为准则,对两种算法进行仿真模拟和分析,结果表明逆整乔列斯基算法和LLL算法等价。最后从理论上对两种降相关算法的一致性进行了解释。 Phase unwrapping is one of the most important cases in PS-DInSAR.As it is similar with the GPS ambiguity resolution,the process to solve the ambiguities and deformation parameters by the algorithm of LAMBDA is presented based on the function models of PS-DInSAR.Two algorithms of LLL and inverse integer Cholesky are applied to decorrelate,which is the also named as z transformation in LAMBDA.With the criterions of iterative numbers of z transformation,condition number of variance-covariance matrix and mean correlation coefficient of ambiguity vectors,the performance of two algorithms are compared by random numerical simulation.The results show that the modified algorithm of LLL is equal to inverse integer Cholesky algorithm.The interpretation to the equality is given in theory.
出处 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期338-341,共4页 Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2009AA12Z317) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(4087400340721001) 国家公益(地震)行业科研专项基金资助项目(200808080)
关键词 GPS 降相关算法 PS-DINSAR 相位解缠 GPS algorithms of decorrelation PS-InSAR phase unwapping
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