目的探讨甲型H1N1肺炎患者的转归并随访其恢复期胸部CT表现。方法回顾性分析32例甲型H1N1肺炎的转归,随访观察32例甲型H1N1肺炎患者恢复期的CT表现。结果 32例甲型H1N1肺炎患者,随访50~90d,CT表现阴性的有25例(78.1%),4例有肺间质增生(12.5%),3例有少许纤维化改变(9.4%)。结论大部分甲型H1N1肺炎患者经积极治疗后可完全治愈,极少数重型肺炎患者可有肺间质增生及纤维化改变。
Objective To study the prognosis of H 1N 1 virus infection and chest CT features during recovery. Methods Medical records and chest CT scans of 32 patients with H 1N 1 pneumonia were reviewed. Results Of 32 patients, CT was normal in 25 (78.1%) and showed pul- monary interstitial hyperplasia in 4 (12.5%), mild interstitial fibrosis in 3 (9.4%) during the 50-90 day follow-up. Conclusion H1N1 pneumonia resolves completely in most patients after treatment. Interstitial hyperplasia or fibrosis may remain in a few cases.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology