针对家庭心电图远程监护系统, 我们设计并实现了心电图的远程专家咨询系统, 该系统具有心电图数据的选择、自动传送和显示功能, 远地专家可根据接收的数据给医院值班医生提供参考意见。本文介绍了监护中心和专家端软件设计及两机间的通讯协议。
A consultation system for a home ECG telemonitoring network was developed to help the doctor on duty to get proper diagnosis through the advice given by a medical expert at a remote site. ECG data files can be selected by the doctor on duty and transmitted back and forth between a hospital monitoring center and an expert's terminal automatically, and the ECG waves can be displayed in front of the expert. The design of the software at the monitor center and the expert's site and the communication protocol are introduced in this paper.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering