
HPFL加固混凝土结构斜截面承载力计算及工程应用 被引量:5

Calculation of Diagonal Section Resistance and Engineering Application of Strengthening RC Structures Using HPFL
摘要 通过高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网(HPFL)加固的6根约束梁和3根未加固的对比梁、6根一点集中加载简支梁和1根对比梁以及9根两点集中加载简支梁和3根对比梁的抗剪性能试验,研究了HPFL加固技术对混凝土约束梁、一点集中加载简支梁和两点集中加载简支梁抗剪性能的影响和作用,分析了抗剪加固对约束梁的开裂荷载和极限荷载的影响.结果表明,利用HPFL加固方法进行加固,梁的抗剪承载力得到了显著提高,同时加固措施对斜裂缝的发展有良好的约束作用.在试验研究的基础上,提出了加固梁的抗剪承载力建议公式,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好.综合试验数据,结合《高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网加固混凝土结构技术规程》对规程公式作了介绍,并进行了工程实例计算. The shear responses of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with HPFL were experimentally investigated.In the test,six restrained RC beams strengthened with HPFL and three control specimens without strengthening were used.At the same time,seven simply supported beams under point concentrated load with one unstrengthened and nine simply supported beams under two points concentrated load with three unstrengthened were included.The beam performances were compared and assessed with particular emphasis on cracking behavior and shear capacity.The results have shown that HPFL can obviously increase the crack-resisting capacity and the shear resistance of beams.The recommended formula of shear resistance of beams strengthened with HPFL was proposed on the basis of the experimental research.The calculated values have good agreement with the test results.Combining the test data with the standard named Technical Specification for Strengthening Concrete Structures with High Performance Ferrocement Laminate,the standard formula and engineering sample calculation were introduced in the text.
作者 尚守平 刘沩
出处 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期1-7,共7页 Journal of Hunan University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50578062) 湖南省科技厅科技计划重点项目(06SK4057) 国家'十一五'科技支撑计划项目(2006BAJ03A10)
关键词 高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网 斜截面承载力 加固 HPFL diagonal section capacity strengthening
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