
脂肪间充质干细胞参与鼠尾淋巴水肿阻塞区淋巴管再生的研究 被引量:1

A Study of Adipose Derived Stem Cells in Promoting Lymphatic Regeneration of Lymphedematous Mice Tail
摘要 目的研究脂肪间充质干细胞(Adipose derived stem cells,ADSC)能否参与鼠尾淋巴水肿阻塞区淋巴管再生,为继发性肢体淋巴水肿的治疗提供新思路。方法从GFP转基因小鼠脂肪组织提取ADSC,体外培养扩增至第2代,植入鼠尾淋巴水肿模型中,观察其是否可以参与并促进鼠尾淋巴水肿阻塞区淋巴管再生。结果鼠尾淋巴管荧光造影显示ADSC可以形成淋巴回流的通道,但实验组、对照组的水肿消退情况无明显差异。结论 ADSC可在鼠尾淋巴水肿阻塞区形成淋巴回流通道,但在改善淋巴回流方面未观察到显著作用。 Objective To investigate the effects of adipose derived stem cells(ADSC) on promoting lymphatic regeneration of lymphedematous mice tail.Methods ADSCs were isolated from the fat pad of the GFP transgenic mice and cultured to the second passage.Thirty days later,the ADSCs of the second passage were transplanted to the obstructed regions of the lymphedematous mice tail and the transplantation was repeated every seven days.The circumstance of tail were measured every third days and the lymph flow pattern was detected through micro-lymphangiography.Results ADSCs could participate in the formation of the crude pre-lymphatic fluid channels but no significant difference was observed on the reduction of the mice tail lymphedema.Conclusion The ADSCs could participate in the formation of pre-lymphatic fluid channels on the obstructive lymphatic regions,but there was no obvious effects on improving lymph flow.
出处 《组织工程与重建外科杂志》 2011年第1期16-19,共4页 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery
关键词 脂肪间充质干细胞 淋巴水肿 动物模型 淋巴管再生 淋巴造影 Adipose derived stem cells Lymphedema Animal model Lymphatic regeneration Micro-lymphangiography
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