
网络化控制系统的协同设计与形式化建模 被引量:5

Co-design and formal modeling of networked control system
摘要 为满足网络化控制系统的综合性能要求,实现其设计过程的形式化和规范化,针对其设计过程进行了形式化建模。给出了网络化控制系统中网络、控制、结构实体三个子模型的定义,分析了三者的构成要素以及相互之间的映射关系;进而提出了基于网络服务质量和控制性能质量的协同设计框架,并利用统一建模语言进行网络化控制系统的结构实体子模型设计,分析了网络化控制系统建模中类的概念和构造,针对类的属性和方法进行了扩展,归纳了建模过程的一般性步骤。最后以一台网络化三轴数控钻床的设计过程为例,实现并验证了所提出协同设计框架与形式化建模过程的可行性。 To satisfy the performance requirements of Networked Control System(NCS) and standardize its design process,the design procedure of NCS was formally modeled.The sub-model definitions of network,control,and structural entity in NCS were given.The components of the three sub-models and the mappings among them were analyzed.Then,a co-design framework was proposed based on network Quality of Service(QoS) and Quality of Control Performance(QoCP).Unified Modeling Language(UML) was adopted to design structural entity sub-model.Concept and construction of classes in NCS modeling were analyzed,attributes and methods of classes were extended as well as the general modeling procedure was summarized.Finally,feasibility of the proposed co-design framework and formal modeling procedure was demonstrated in a networked three-axis Computer Numerical Control(CNC) drillpress design process.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期433-441,共9页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 湖南省教育厅科研资助项目(08B050) 湖南省科技计划资助项目(2010CK3019) 长沙市科技计划资助项目(K0902187-11) 湖南师范大学青年优秀人才计划资助项目(ET51007)~~
关键词 网络化控制系统 协同设计 形式化建模 统一建模语言 网络服务质量 控制性能质量 networked control system co-design formal modeling unified modeling language quality of service quality of control performance
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