进销存管理系统是一个典型的数据库应用程序,它根据企业的需求,解决企业账目混乱,库存不准,信息反馈不及时等问题。ASP.net MVC框架将数据(模型)从对其操作的动作(控制器)分离,具有高内聚、低耦合的特点。文中首先分析了进销存管理系统的业务流程,设计出进销存管理系统的总体框架,然后设计并实现了基于ASP.net MVC框架的进销存管理系统的关键功能模块,开发语言使用C#,数据库使用SQL Server 2000。
Invoicing Inventory system is a typical database application,according to the needs of enterprises to solve business accounts of chaos,stock inaccurate information and feedback not timely issues.ASP.net MVC framework separates its data(model) from its operation of the action(controller),with high cohesion,low coupling characteristics.The paper first analyzes the inventory management system,business processes,designs the overall framework of inventory management system,and then implements inventory management system based on ASP.net MVC framework which is a key functional modules,with development language being C #,the database using SQL Server 2000.
Journal of Dongguan University of Technology