
企业员工工作场所欺负与职业倦怠关系的实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Workplace Bullying and Job-burnout for Employees
摘要 近年来,工作场所中欺负问题逐渐成为工作和健康心理学研究的热点,受到西方很多研究者的关注,但我国对该问题的关注较晚。通过工作场所欺负对员工职业倦怠作用机制的实证分析,得出的主要研究结论有:工作场所欺负与职业倦怠、情感耗竭、人格解体以及个人成就感低显著正相关,工作场所欺负能够显著预测职业倦怠水平、情感耗竭水平、人格解体水平和个人成就感水平;工作满意度在工作场所欺负与职业倦怠之间存在着中介作用;人格主动性在工作场所欺负与职业倦怠之间并不存在调节作用。 In recent years,workplace bullying has been the focus of researchers in the west.However,empirical research about workplace bullying research in China is almost empty and it is important to establish harmonious interpersonal relationships in Chinese companies.The paper mainly studies the internal mechanism between workplace bullying and job-burnout,job satisfaction as intermediary variables and personality initiative as moderator variables.With the basic descriptive statistics,reliability analysis,exploratory analysis,confirmatory analysis,correlation analysis,regression analysis and so on,the research got the main findings as follows:workplace bullying was significantly positively related to burnout;workplace bullying was significantly positively related to emotional exhaustion;workplace bullying was significantly positively related to depersonalization;workplace bullying was significantly positively related to personal accomplishment;job satisfaction played a intermediary role between workplace bullying and burnout;personal initiative did not played a regulation role between workplace bullying and burnout.
作者 马跃如 李树
机构地区 中南大学商学院
出处 《湖南财政经济学院学报》 2011年第1期133-139,共7页 Journal of Hunan University of Finance and Economics
关键词 工作场所欺负 职业倦怠 工作满意度 人格主动性 workplace bullying burnout job satisfaction personal initiative
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