
Wheat Growth and Photosynthesis as Affected by Oxytetracycline as a Soil Contaminant 被引量:12

Wheat Growth and Photosynthesis as Affected by Oxytetracycline as a Soil Contaminant
摘要 Extensive worldwide use of oxytetracycline (OTC), a member of the tetracyclines, has resulted in its accumulation in soils, posing a potential risk to food production and safety. A pair of OTC-sensitive (Heyou 1) and OTC-tolerant (Yannong 21) wheat (Tritieum aestivum L.) cultivars was compared hydroponically at 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, and 0.08 mmol L-10TC in terms of wheat growth and photosynthesis. Biomass and shoot length decreased significantly with the addition of OTC, with the decreases in dry biomass and shoot length being 5.61%-13.75% and 3.33%-8.57% larger, respectively, for Heyou 1 than Yannong 21. Photosynthesis of Heyou 1 was suppressed by OTC as indicated by the significant decreases in photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (TR), and stomatal conductance (GS) and the significant increase in intercellular CO2 concentrations (CI), at all OTC levels. Stomatal limitation (LS) and water use eftlciencies (WUE) of Heyou i also increased significantly, but not at 0.08 mmol L-10TC. However, photosynthesis of Yannong 21 was suppressed by OTC only at high OTC levels from 0.02 to 0.08 mmol L-1 as indicated by the decreases in PN, GS, TR, and LS; at 0.01 mmol L-10TC, PN, CI, GS, and TR significantly increased. It was noted that WUE of Yannong 21 was not affected by OTC addition. The results from this hydroponic test suggested that OTC had a potential risk to crop growth through inhibition of photosynthesis, requiring further confirmation with soil tests. Extensive worldwide use of oxytetracycline (OTC),a member of the tetracyclines,has resulted in its accumulation in soils,posing a potential risk to food production and safety.A pair of OTC-sensitive (Heyou 1) and OTC-tolerant (Yannong 21) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars was compared hydroponically at 0.01,0.02,0.04,and 0.08 mmol L-1 OTC in terms of wheat growth and photosynthesis.Biomass and shoot length decreased significantly with the addition of OTC,with the decreases in dry biomass and shoot length being 5.61%-13.75% and 3.33%-8.57% larger,respectively,for Heyou 1 than Yannong 21.Photosynthesis of Heyou 1 was suppressed by OTC as indicated by the significant decreases in photosynthetic rate (PN),transpiration rate (TR),and stomatal conductance (GS) and the significant increase in intercellular CO 2 concentrations (CI),at all OTC levels.Stomatal limitation (LS) and water use efficiencies (WUE) of Heyou 1 also increased significantly,but not at 0.08 mmol L-1 OTC.However,photosynthesis of Yannong 21 was suppressed by OTC only at high OTC levels from 0.02 to 0.08 mmol L-1 as indicated by the decreases in PN,GS,TR,and LS;at 0.01 mmol L-1 OTC,PN,CI,GS,and TR significantly increased.It was noted that WUE of Yannong 21 was not affected by OTC addition.The results from this hydroponic test suggested that OTC had a potential risk to crop growth through inhibition of photosynthesis,requiring further confirmation with soil tests.
出处 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期244-250,共7页 土壤圈(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40701163) the International Foundation for Science,Stockholm,Sweden the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,The Hague,The Netherlands (No. C/4076) the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing,China (No. 6092019) the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) of China (No. 2007CB109305)
关键词 biomass CULTIVAR hydroponic test photosynthetic parameters TETRACYCLINES 光合作用 土壤污染物 小麦生长 土霉素 水分利用效率 胞间CO2浓度 水培试验 非处方药
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