目的:了解安化县传染病流行状况,为今后制订防制措施提供科学依据。方法:采用描述性流行病学方法对安化县1997—2009年甲乙类传染病疫情进行统计分析。结果:1997—2009年安化县共报告甲乙类传染病20种20 045例,死亡178例,年均发病率158.96/10万,年均死亡率1.41/10万,发病率总体呈上升趋势,各年份之间发病率无差异(χ2=15 313、P>0.05)。其中呼吸道传染病年均发病率为71.37/10万,居发病之首,血液及性接触传染病年均发病率为68.39/10万,居第2位,肠道传染病年均发病率为14.59/10万,居第3位,虫媒及自然疫源性疾病年均发病率为4.59/10万,居第4位;发病率居前5位的病种主要是病毒性肝炎、肺结核、淋病、菌痢、梅毒,其中肺结核共报告8 329例,占传染病总数的39.36%,居各类传染病发病之首。结论:13年间安化县肠道传染病及自然疫源性疾病得到有效控制,呼吸道传染病和血液及性接触传播疾病则总体呈上升趋势并维持较高发病水平;免疫规划针对性疾病得到有效控制,艾滋病呈现快速增长。
Objective To explore the prevalence of infectious diseases in Anhua county so as to provide reference for the future control measures.Methods Descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze the prevalence of infectious diseases in Anhua from 1997 to 2009.Results Altogether 20,045 cases of 20 kinds of infectious diseases were reported,178 cases dead,with an average annual morbidity of 158.96/100 thousand,and mortality of 1.41/100 thousand.The morbidity tended to increase on the whole,yet there was no statistical difference in morbidity between years(χ2=15 313,P>0.05).The average annual morbidity of respiratory infections was 71.37/100 thousand,ranking the first onset,that of blood and sexually transmitted diseases 68.39/100 thousand,ranking the second.Intestinal infections with morbidity of 14.59/100 thousand ranked the third,and vector-borne and natural foci infections with morbidity of 4.59/100 thousand ranked the fourth.The diseases ranking the top five morbidities were viral hepatitis,tuberculosis,gonorrhea,bacterial dysentery and syphilis.Tuberculosis,of which 8,329 cases were reported,accounting for 39.36% of the total number of infectious diseases,ranked first in all kinds of infectious diseases.Conclusions During the period of 13 years,intestinal infections and natural foci diseases have been effectively controlled in Anhua county,yet the morbidity of respiratory infectious diseases as well as blood and sexually transmitted diseases tend to increase and remain at a high level.EPI targeted diseases are effectively controlled,while AIDS tends to spread increasingly.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
infectious disease
epidemic analysis