
Triad,污染场地管理的新模式 被引量:7

Triad,a New Approach for Contaminated Site Management
摘要 污染场地的调查和修复往往是个耗时很长、成本很高的过程.传统的多阶段的场地管理模式是造成这一状况的重要原因之一.随着场地管理经验的增加和新技术的出现,美国形成了一种能大大缩短项目周期、显著降低成本的场地管理新模式:Triad模式.本文系统阐述了Triad模式的3个要素,即系统的项目计划,动态的工作策略和实时的测量技术,结合有关案例说明了Triad模式的优点和适用性,最后针对我国目前场地调查和修复的现状,提出相应的对策和建议. Remediation of a contaminated site is typically a time-consuming and expensive process.The traditional multistage approach of site management is an important contributor of this lengthy and costly process.The emergence of new characterization technologies and past experiences have led to the development of a new site characterization and remediation approach-Triad approach.In this paper,the three key components of the Triad approach,namely,systematic project planning,dynamic work strategy,and real-time measurement,were elucidated.The advantages and applicability of the Triad approach were demonstrated with case studies.Based on the currect practices of site characterization in China,recommendations are made to promote the application of the Triad approach.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期803-808,共6页 Environmental Science
基金 深圳市科技信息局科技计划项目 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2009AA063102)
关键词 Triad模式 污染场地 管理 不确定性 triad approach contaminated sites management uncertainties
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