
调肝中药对精索静脉曲张大鼠SCF的影响和对生殖功能的作用 被引量:7

Effects of liver-regulating herbs on SCF and reproductive function of varicocele rats
摘要 目的探讨调肝中药对精索静脉曲张大鼠干细胞因子(stemcellfactor,SCF)的影响和对生殖功能的作用。方法将清洁级雄性SD大鼠60只随机选取50只造模后分为模型组、调肝中药组、活血化瘀组、滋补肝肾组、补肾活血组,另外10只为假手术组,共6组,每组10只。各组均于造模后48天开始治疗。连续用药60天。实验结束后心脏采血,处死大鼠,剪取睾丸、附睾,检测血清SCF、睾丸组织SCF,附睾精子的密度和活率。结果与模型组比较,假手术组、调肝中药组精素静脉曲张大鼠附睾精子密度明显升高(P<0.05),附睾精子活率各组无显著性差异(P>0.05);血清SCF各组比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05),与模型组比较,假手术组、调肝中药组、补肾活血组睾丸组织SCF明显降低(P<0.05)。结论睾丸组织SCF或许可以作为生精细胞损伤的一个指标。调肝中药治疗精素静脉曲张性不育是行之有效的方法。 Objective To investigate the effects of liver-regulating herbs on SCF and reproductive function of varicocele rats.Methods 60 male adult SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups of equal number.Among them,50 rats were operated for varicocele and divided into the group of model,the group of liver-regulating herbs,the group of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis,the group of nourishing liver and kidney and the group of tonifying kidney and activating blood circulation,and 10 rats were sham operated.48 days after varicocele operation,all groups were treated for 60 days.All rats were sacrificed,and their blood,testes and epididymides were collected.Then we detected the level of SCF in blood and testes,and determined the density and motility rate of sperms in epididymides.Results The densities of sperms of the group of sham operation and the group of liver-regulating herbs were obviously higher than that of the group of model(P0.05);and the motility rate of sperms among them was not significantly different(P0.05).The levels of SCF in blood were not significantly different in all groups(P0.05).The SCF levels of testes of the group of sham operation,the group of liver-regulating herbs,and the group of tonifying kidney and activating blood circulation were remarkably decreased compared with that of the model group(P0.05).Conclusion The SCF level of testis may be an index of spermatogenic cell injury.The liver-regulating herbs can be an effective method to treat infertility with varicocele.
出处 《环球中医药》 CAS 2011年第2期114-116,119,共4页 Global Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 山西省自然科学基金项目(2009011057-3) 山西省人民医院科研项目(2008002)
关键词 精索静脉曲张 干细胞因子 不育 精子 睾丸 Varicocele SCF Infertility Sperms Testis
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