用脉冲激光作用在硅基上产生表面等离子体波,在氧气和空气氛围中加工生成硅氧化量子点结构,有很强的光致荧光(PL)发光,发光效率可达20%;经高温快速退火处理后,在700 nm波长邻域观察到受激发光峰,检测到明显的光学增益和阈值行为,其受激发光峰最窄的半高宽可达0.5 nm。通过第一性原理模拟计算,发现硅氧化量子点结构表面钝化成键的类型与密度是形成受激发光的关键,并由此提出相应的物理模型。
Quantum dots(QD) can be fabricated by pulse laser irradiation on silicon samples in the oxygen and air atmospheres.Random stimulated emission at about 700nm can be observed on oxidized QD treated with annealing,which has optical gain and threshold behavior obviously.Simulated calculation of primary principle shows that the kind and the density of Si-O bonds on QD surface play an important role in stimulated emission.We propose a physical model to explain the mechanism of stimulated emission.
Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Natural Science Edition)