马云的衬衣左袖口上绣着两个花体英文字母。谁都知道JackM a在互联网世界是何许人也,但网上偏有人开玩笑地说:他是Jack Mao吧?在跟我们的交谈过程中,他还真谈到了Mao。
On February 19th.not long after the Spring Festival Holidays,a new scandal concerning Alibaba caused a serious blow to the company;in 2009 and 2010 there were respectively 1219 and 1107 Alibaba members who were involved in defrauding buyers across the globe. Two days later.Alibaba B2B CEO David Wei and the COO Li Xuhui resigned from their posts. Meanwhile,the chief of human resources for the Alibaba Group.Deng Kangming.was demoted. Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma immediately rushed to explain his view of the situation;'if we ignore this,it will deeply affect the values of Alibaba.'During this time period there has been much speculation about the fate of the 40%slake Yahoo has in Alibaba.It seems the values of Alibaba is not the only thing that Jack Ma must work to protect as some have wondered if Mr.Ma will be stripped of control of his own company.
China Entrepreneur